Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What are the advantages of registering projects with Nollyworks?

A: Nollyworks is a platform and networking service and not just a plain registration facility. By registering your scripts and projects you can protect them against piracy and theft. You also have more control over who sees your scripts and projects. You can network with other film professionals and promote your script or movie project on social media. You will only have to reveal a minimum of information to ensure that your valuable ideas are not stolen by competitors.

Registration with Nollyworks is fast and straightforward. You just register your details and you can then register multiple scripts and projects. Each project is given a unique number. Projects can be scripts or movies but also other media. This way the scriptwriter keeps the rights to his script and the producer keeps the rights to the actual movie. Movie projects are linked to scripts and rights to scripts can be transferred digitally. You are still advised to register with the government registration facility for additional security but the government facility does not offer the same level of functionality and speed than Nollyworks.

Q: What is a verified user?

A: By linking your Nollyworks account to your Paypal account you become a verified user. This confers the highest level of authentication. Verified users and their projects have the highest status and best standing. This service incurs a small fee of $2.00 which covers our administrative charges.

Q: How do I sign my project digitally?

A: Scripts can be digitally signed with SHA1. This creates a digital signature which can be used to verify the authenticity of the script.

Q: How do I promote my work?

A: If you have a script or project you can link it to social media services like Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn. Simply spread the word. There is an 'Invite Friends' button which will enable you to promote your work to your Facebook network. If you have a trailer on Youtube this can be linked to your project.

Q: Is a project visible to others?

A: Scripts and projects titles and synopsis can be set to invisible or visible to searches. A project can be work in progress or completed. The actual scripts are only visible to the script writer and anyone who has been invited to see the script. Publicly available information is limited to title and logline.

Q: How do I find other film professionals?

A: You can search the database by names and titles. Professionals from outside the Nollyworks platform can be invited to join and register. This is a very useful function if you have a script or film project and want to assemble a strong team. You can exchange private messages with other film professionals to negotiate working conditions and salaries.

Q: How do I report copyright infringement or piracy?

A: There is a report facility which sends a message to the copyright holder. Provide as much information as you can and be specific. We advise all users to display a QR code on DVDs/CDs to link back to their profile to simplify the reporting process.

Q: When do I need an entertainment lawyer?

A: Lawyers are not just needed to deal with copyright infringement or piracy they are also very important to draft contracts, transfer rights formally and deal with the transfer of funds. While it may not be commonplace for smaller films to have lawyers involved it has certainly become more important for larger projects and those projects with strong international links.

Q: How do I find an entertainment lawyer?

A: You can search for them in our database and contact them.